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Population Movement Council (PMC)

Issues and Reports

  • The question of country of origin, transit, and destination responsibility for migrants and asylum seekers.

  • The question of regional responsibility for population movement resulting from conflict

Head Chair

SeoHyeon Kim

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Honorable Directors, Presidents, Chairs, fellow delegates, and esteemed guests, welcome to November UNISMUN conference! My name is SeoHyeon Kim, a junior at Unis Hanoi. It is a huge honor for me to serve as the head chair for the Population Movement Council (PMC) for the upcoming conference. With a passion on global issues and growing urgency, I have been participating in MUN for 2 years. My experiences in MUN made me not only knowledgeable about different issues but also to grow as a global citizen. 


The November conference will be focusing on the theme of “Are we capable of finding sustainable solutions to our current sources of insecurity?”. Along with the continuous issue of unwanted population movements around the world, finding sustainable solutions to the issue will be extremely significant for the present and future generations. I hope that the conference will be a great stepping stone for all delegates to respond to the ongoing issue. 


The Population Movement Council will specifically debate on the issue of: countries’ origin, transit, and destination responsibility for migrants and asylum seekers and regional responsibility for population movement resulting from conflict. Due to the escalation of the Russian War that has been causing casualties and destruction of social infrastructure, people have been forced to flee the country seeking safety and protection. Number of refugees has continuously been increasing, and has reached nearly 12.7 million people. Seeking out solutions to the issue from a population movement council standpoint will be more crucial than ever. 


I am looking forward to hearing a fruitful debate on the issue and will do my best as the Head Chair to make the conference enjoyable. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!

Deputy Chair

Joaquin Renck

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Greetings directors, student officers, and delegates!

 I am Joaquin Renck, a Grade 11 student attending UNIS Hanoi and I am honoured to get this opportunity to introduce myself as the Deputy Chair of the Population Movement Council  in our upcoming November conference. Currently this is my second year engaging in UNISMUN and it is with pleasure for me to say that this year I am going to strive and further develop the UNIS November conference. MUN has given me the opportunity to be able to further develop one of my life long ambitions of exploring the world. Problems plague us across the globe and with the help of the recent 2 years I was able to get an insight into varied perspectives shared by a multitude of individuals.


And as I was further exploring perspectives, it has come to my revelation that through the upcoming November conference I am going to be able to even further develop my notions and cognition towards the most important bit of a country: the people, their subsequent origins and destinations and being cognizant of asylum seekers. Why do people abandon their cultures? Why do they abandon their homes? Why is this a stagnant issue throughout the world? The population council gives the opportunity to further explore my interest in this topic but also further discuss issues that plague society in a respective setting. 


Furthermore, based on current events such as the Ukraine/ Russia conflict more than 5.7 million people were displaced alone in one situation. Hence following this, the Population Council is going to further discuss issues of population crisis such as this example and together effectively find a solution. As the Former Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon stated: “Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family”. This committee is an opportunity to come together as humans and build a welcome community throughout the world. 


I am looking forward to hearing and supporting a fruitful debate on the issue and I am going to do the most in my power to help support you during this journey!

Procedural Chair

Minh Hoang

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Honorable directors, fellow delegates, and most esteemed guests, 


Greetings, my name is Minh Hoang and this is my first year as a procedural chair for the Population Movement council. This is also my first year in MUN, so I look forward to contributing to the team while learning valuable lessons and developing my public speaking skills along the way. 


The theme this year for the November 2022 conference is: Are we capable of finding sustainable solutions to our current sources of insecurity? This is a very relevant theme to modern issues, such as climate change, conflicts between countries… The theme opens to debate for various topics that I hope will pave the way to many fruitful discussions.


The Population Movement Council focuses on issues relating to migration, asylum seekers, refugees & displaced persons due to a range of issues. Especially due to the most recent Ukraine versus Russia war, the council is most relevant and can expect to be challenged thoroughly.


In the Population Movement Council, we focus on the question of country of origin, transit, and destination responsibility for migrants and asylum seekers and also the regional responsibility for population movement resulting from conflict. I believe that this question is very important as it builds the foundation to safe transitions for refugees. As 4.6 million people are asylum-seekers, and an additional 53.2 million are displaced within their own countries, and according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): "The number of people forcibly displaced due to conflict, violence, human rights violations, and persecution has reached 100 million, including refugees and people who are displaced within their own countries. I believe the Population Movement council is as relevant as ever. 


I am most grateful for this opportunity to attend the upcoming November 2022 MUN conference and will be looking forward to your debates!

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