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Secretary General

Parami MacArthur

Grade 12


Greetings delegates, directors, chairs, and esteemed guests,

I am Parami Htoo MacArthur, one of the co-Secretary Generals for the November 2024 UNISMUN Conference. As a Senior at UNIS, I’ve been a part of the MUN community since my Freshman year—and this will be my 7th and final conference. I thank everyone who has aided me on my unforgettable journey; from starting as a timid delegate, to serving as your November 2024 Secretary General. 

"How can we use regional cooperation to promote equitable development" is the primary focus of this conference throughout all councils. Addressing the issues of development and inequalities has been a key global priority, and analyzing this multifaceted issue through a regional focus allows our delegates to more effectively dive deeper into opportunities within their geographical contexts, as this regional lens complements rather than replaces global cooperation and creates a more specific approach to development.

As one of your Secretary Generals, I am responsible for for leading a fun and engaging UNISMUN conference; efficiently communicating with the UNISMUN Leadership members; sending invitations and agendas to MUN participants, external schools & Directors; ensuring that each conference council and committee has a faculty/staff mentor; maintaining all handbooks, webpages, and materials are all up to date; and to make sure to respond swiftly to any issues. The team is excited to meet everyone, and hopes every participant and guest has a remarkable experience at UNISMUN!

Secretary General

SeoHo Chang

Grade 12


Greetings chairs, delegates, and honourable guests,


I am SeoHo Chang, a Senior at the United Nations International School of Hanoi, and I will be serving you as the second Secretary General of the 2024 UNISMUN November Conference. This conference will mark my third year of MUN participation, and I'm honoured for such an unforgettable finale! 


This year’s November conference is based on the theme: “How can we use regional cooperation to promote equitable development?” With several regional conflicts prevalent today, from Israel-palestine to Myanmar, discussing plausible approaches of aid is crucial. That is the reason why we have introduced new councils such as the ASEAN council or the AU council: to specialise on specific regional issues with relevant stakeholders. 


As a Secretary General for the upcoming 2024 November conference, I will be overseeing the planning, organisation, and execution of the conference as a whole with my team. I will also provide guidance and direction, assign delegates to committees, select and supervise chairs, and act as the primary communication link between the participants! 


With that being said, I would like to welcome all participants of the 2024 November Conference once again. Let's all have a great time! 

President of the General Assembly

Jenny Le

Grade 12


Dear honorable directors, chairs, guests, and delegates, 


My name is Jenny Le, and I am a current senior studying at UNIS Hanoi. It is my absolute pleasure to serve as your President of the General Assembly for the UNISMUN November 2024 Conference, and I am proud to stand in this position for my third and final year at UNISMUN. 


The UNISMUN 2024 Conference presents the theme of “How can we use regional cooperation to promote equitable development?” When planning for the conference’s theme, I–alongside my Secretary Generals–wanted to highlight global issues that are present regionally and continentally, hence, the focus on “regional cooperation”. This year’s theme also introduces new committees such as ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), the EU (European Union), and AU (African Union), as a way to shine light onto regional issues that we thought were significant to the geographical location and contexts. I believe that it is through regional cooperation that would push for the wider agenda of promoting equitable development.


As the President of the General Assembly, I will be responsible for coordinating with the two Secretary Generals to maximise the potential and efficiency of the November 2024 Conference; maintaining communication and cooperation with the External Deputy Secretary Generals and external directors; and resolving any issues that pop up with the conference within the UNISMUN Leadership Team. 


Once again, I want to welcome you all–directors, chairs, guests, and delegates–to UNISMUN this November, albeit your first or last conference. We are all very excited to see you, and we are sure you will create unforgettable memories here.

Deputy Secretary General

Le Tran Khanh Dan

Grade 12


Warmest greetings to all,


My name is Khanh Dan - currently an 11th grader at BVIS Hanoi. It is my utmost honor to be one of the Deputy Secretary Generals for the UNISMUN November 2024 Conference. 


Participating in MUN must be one of the greatest milestones that I have achieved in 2023. Looking back, I am still astonished by how far I have come in this journey of breaking comfort barriers and overcoming self-doubts. Besides academic lessons, I also made quality connections and created long-lasting memories at every conference that I have been to. It is not wrong to say that these precious experiences have become parts of what made me who I am today.


Coming to this November’s Conference, esteemed delegates will have the chance to evaluate the matter of regional cooperation to promote equitable development. This theme does not only offer delegates the opportunity to reconcile cultural and socio-economic differences but also a chance to resolve historical conflicts and reinforce trust. It is crucial that esteemed delegates enter the debate with an open and collaborative approach to balancing national priorities with regional interdependence. As challenging as it might seem, by embracing the principles of inclusive growth and sustainable development, I strongly believe that delegates will chart a transformative path toward an equitable future for all.

Deputy Secretary General

Thu Tran


Grade 12

Honorable chairs, distinguished delegates, and esteemed guests,


I am Thu Tran, currently a Senior at Concordia International School Hanoi (CISH). I’ve been a part of MUN for all 3 and continuing years of my High School career, and I hope that this coming year can be an equally wonderful experience, if not a better experience, just as my last few years were for my last year in high school MUN. 


This conference’s theme is “How does regional cooperation affect equitable development?” Unequal socioeconomic development is present worldwide on global, regional, and even national-regional and local scales. In one of the UN’s largest end goals for successful and sustainable development worldwide, it is important for us, the upcoming generation that will be a part of this development, to learn about and analyze equitable development for the betterment of our society as a whole. In order for equitable development to be successful on all scales, countries, and internal bodies must make the effort to collaborate on an interregional scale–precisely the topic this conference strives to examine. With such a constructive foundation, hopefully, delegates and chairs alike can explore the possibilities of the applicability of this theme successfully during the conference. 


During this conference, I sincerely hope that delegates can not only foster diplomatic and fruitful debate to elevate the caucuses to their highest formality as part of Model UN, but also find enjoyment within interactions with other delegates.

Deputy Secretary General

Minh Anh Nguyen Hoang


Grade 11

Fellow Chairs, Distinguished Delegates, and Esteemed Guests,

My name is Minh Anh and I will be a Sophomore at Alpha Schools during the November conference. It is my honor to be one of the Deputy Secretary Generals (DSGs) at the UNISMUN November 2024 conference. This will be my third time participating in UNISMUN and my first time serving in a new position. 

In this conference, the theme, "How can we use regional cooperation to promote equitable development?" directs attention to the intricate dynamics between collaborative efforts among neighboring regions and the pursuit of fair and balanced development. Through deliberation on shared resources, infrastructure projects, trade agreements, and joint policies, delegates engage in discussions on how these initiatives can either foster or impede equitable growth across diverse regions. The theme underscores the importance of addressing economic, social, and political factors, while also confronting disparities in access to resources and opportunities. By exploring the multifaceted interactions within regional cooperation, delegates endeavor to formulate strategies that promote inclusive and sustainable development for all stakeholders involved.

I hope that the MUN conference cannot only provide a deep understanding of the ongoing situations around the world but also create momentous connections between delegates.

Deputy Secretary General

Hayden Ta


Grade 12

Honorable chairs, distinguished delegates, and most esteemed guests,


My name is Hayden, a sixth-form student from the British International School Hanoi (BISH). This is my 3rd MUN conference, and having the absolute honor to be a part of the UNISMUN November leadership as a Deputy Secretary General, I hope to accompany you, fellow delegates, and chairs, on a wonderful journey where you can engage in fruitful discussions and foster meaningful relationships.


The question of "How can we use regional cooperation to promote equitable development?" demands delegates and chairs to have a deep understanding of the wider context of social, economic, and political situations. Achieving global equity, requires all nations, internal bodies, and international societies to cooperate. All committees and their respective topics were designed intricately to confront complex and nuanced matters with intertwining cultural, geopolitical, historical, etc. This is what will allow you, delegates and chairs, to collaborate and construct suitable resolutions that promote the aid for disadvantaged members, take into account the myriad of perspectives of each distinctive international society, and provide equitable benefits globally.


I hope all delegates and chairs can engage in fruitful debates about equitable development, work towards satisfactory solutions but also create meaningful connections and remarkable memories with each other at the UNISMUN November 2024 conference. I look forward to meeting you all.

Deputy Secretary General

Nguyen Phuc Linh


Grade 11

Greetings honorable chairs, distinguished delegates, and esteemed guests,


My name is Nguyen Phuc Linh, currently a junior at Singapore International School Gamuda Gardens, and it is my absolute pleasure to serve as one of your Deputy Secretary General for the UNISMUN November 2024 Conference. This upcoming conference will be my 4th UNISMUN conference, and I hope it will become a memorable and wonderful experience for all delegates, chairs, and members of UNISMUN.


The conference theme, "How can we use regional cooperation to promote equitable development?" questions all delegates and chairs to consider the current contribution of regional-level corporations, governments, and stakeholders alike towards achieving balanced and equal development across the world. Throughout the years, MUN has been an excellent opportunity for students worldwide to discuss the impact of international and worldwide bodies on socio-economical and political issues alike, and the prominence of large-scale projects and organizations in making a difference for future generations. However, it is equally as important to emphasize, enhance, and develop existing and new local and regional bodies to achieve a deeper and detailed understanding of the current issues and consequences of inadequate development towards minority communities, and for regions to embrace the cultural differences to work towards finding balance in socioeconomic fields. Prioritizing smaller stakeholders and focusing on refining existing solutions on a local and national scale can serve as a crucial push towards attracting more communities and individuals to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and other equally important international bodies' frameworks. This conference allows delegates and chairs to dive deep into the fundamental causes and the starting point of many global issues by focusing nation by nation and region by region.


I look forward to seeing all delegates and chairs who will not only use the UNISMUN November 2024 Conference as an opportunity to contribute towards equitable development regardless of national or international scale, but more importantly, an opportunity to learn and enjoy the interactions between each other. See you all in November!

Deputy Secretary General

Nguyen An Thy

Grade 11


Dear honorable chairs, distinguished delegates, and esteemed guests, 


My name is An Thy, I am currently a sophomore from Delta Global School. This year, I am participating in the UNISMUN 2024 conference as an external Deputy Secretaries General. I had the opportunity to attend UNISMUN conferences in the past and it left me with the greatest impressions. It is an honor to serve in this position at this year's conference.


This year's topic "How can we use regional cooperation to promote equitable development?" presents a promising opportunity to address disparities and foster sustainable progress. However, achieving equitable development through regional cooperation is not without its obstacles. Navigating diverse interests, ensuring fair distribution of benefits, and maintaining political relationships will just be a few of the challenges that must be overcome. Delegates are tasked with crafting innovative solutions that address these complexities while prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable populations.


The UN framework, in what I believe, is critical to ensuring global peace, security, and sustainable development. It is therefore our shared responsibility to engage in constructive discussions and work towards solutions that benefit all member states. Thank you, and I look forward to a great conference ahead. 

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